Quarterly Newsletter
April 2023
Dear Hastha Global Ventures Family member, It is my pleasure to communicate with you through this Quarterly Newsletter to provide updates on our business development, important events impacting our business and much more. I would like to sincerely thank each of you for having supported us through the financial year of 2022-23.

Moved to the new office
after 7 years.

We have successfully completed the 1st year of operations in our new premises. Our clients have visited our plush new office and appreciated our new place of work. We have increased the servicescape to meet the growing business needs.

New Relationship Manager Joined

I am pleased to announce the joining of our new Relationship Manager M K Sunil (+91 6360566412), who has a wide experience in the service industry and brings lot of his expertise to strengthen the management team. He will be interacting with you soon, ` understanding your requirements and providing necessary solutions.
List of Services
expanded to include
a greater number of services

I am happy to inform that we have expanded the services we offer to you, across all the five service categories. We have delivered many of the new services which are unique and suit the specific requirements of our clients during the year 2022-23.
Moved to the new office
after 7 years.

We have successfully completed the 1st year of operations in our new premises. Our clients have visited our plush new office and appreciated our new place of work. We have increased the servicescape to meet the growing business needs.

New staff
joined during 2022 - 23

I am delighted to announce the joining of our new staff, each of who have a wide experience in their respective domain and bring lot of their expertise to strengthen the Hastha Global Ventures Operations Team.I am delighted to announce the joining of our new staff, each of who have a wide experience in their respective domain and bring lot of their expertise to strengthen the Hastha Global Ventures Operations Team.

Enhanced fleet of vehicles
for better service